Located in Rochester, NY since 1989, Innovative Introductions, Incorporated is one of the most interesting innovative small companies in Rochester.  We are constantly introducing new innovative custom software packages to help small businesses achieve their dreams by integrating intuitive front end interfaces for their employees which satisfy their needs. 

We offer a wide variety of services and packages to meet your specific needs from simple data entry, through database design, website integration, and App design.

Our most recent product is “Idea Phrase Creator” for Apple Macintosh computers and is available through the Apple, Inc. Mac App Store.  Please see our screen shots page for pictures of this new App! Or you can click on the icon below to see this great new app!

For more information, please contact us at (585) 671-8720 Mon. - Fri. 10:00AM to 6:00PM


Innovative Introductions, Inc.

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Innovative Introductions, Incorporated